Package-level declarations


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value class ExprConversionResult(expr: KExpr<*>?)
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abstract class KExprConverterBase<T : Any>
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Specialized version of KExprInternalizerBase for Int native expressions.

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abstract class KExprLongConverterBase

Specialized version of KExprConverterBase for Long native expressions.

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Specialized version of KExprInternalizerBase for Long native expressions.


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inline fun <S : KSort, T, Stack> conversionLoop(stack: Stack, native: T, stackPush: (Stack, T) -> Unit, stackPop: (Stack) -> T, stackIsNotEmpty: (Stack) -> Boolean, convertNative: (T) -> ExprConversionResult, findConverted: (T) -> KExpr<*>?, saveConverted: (T, KExpr<*>) -> Unit): KExpr<S>
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inline fun <T, TArray, Stack> ensureArgsConvertedAndConvert(stack: Stack, expr: T, args: TArray, expectedSize: Int, stackPush: (Stack, T) -> Unit, arraySize: (TArray) -> Int, arrayGet: (TArray, Int) -> T, findConverted: (T) -> KExpr<*>?): List<KExpr<*>>?

Ensure all expression arguments are already converted. Return converted arguments or null if not all arguments converted.

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inline fun <T> KTransformerBase.internalizationLoop(exprStack: MutableList<KExpr<*>>, initialExpr: KExpr<*>, notInternalized: T, findInternalized: (KExpr<*>) -> T): T
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inline fun <S : KExpr<*>, T> S.transform(operation: () -> T, saveInternalized: (KExpr<*>, T) -> Unit): S
inline fun <S : KExpr<*>, T> S.transform(exprStack: MutableList<KExpr<*>>, arg: KExpr<*>, operation: (T) -> T, notInternalized: T, findInternalized: (KExpr<*>) -> T, saveInternalized: (KExpr<*>, T) -> Unit): S
inline fun <S : KExpr<*>, T> S.transform(exprStack: MutableList<KExpr<*>>, arg0: KExpr<*>, arg1: KExpr<*>, operation: (T, T) -> T, notInternalized: T, findInternalized: (KExpr<*>) -> T, saveInternalized: (KExpr<*>, T) -> Unit): S
inline fun <S : KExpr<*>, T> S.transform(exprStack: MutableList<KExpr<*>>, arg0: KExpr<*>, arg1: KExpr<*>, arg2: KExpr<*>, operation: (T, T, T) -> T, notInternalized: T, findInternalized: (KExpr<*>) -> T, saveInternalized: (KExpr<*>, T) -> Unit): S
inline fun <S : KExpr<*>, T> S.transform(exprStack: MutableList<KExpr<*>>, arg0: KExpr<*>, arg1: KExpr<*>, arg2: KExpr<*>, arg3: KExpr<*>, operation: (T, T, T, T) -> T, notInternalized: T, findInternalized: (KExpr<*>) -> T, saveInternalized: (KExpr<*>, T) -> Unit): S
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inline fun <S : KExpr<*>, T, A> S.transformList(exprStack: MutableList<KExpr<*>>, args: List<KExpr<*>>, operation: (A) -> T, mkArray: (Int) -> A, setArray: (A, Int, T) -> Unit, notInternalized: T, findInternalized: (KExpr<*>) -> T, saveInternalized: (KExpr<*>, T) -> Unit): S