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@JvmName(name = "assertExpr")
abstract fun assert(expr: KExpr<KBoolSort>)

Assert an expression into solver.

@JvmName(name = "assertExprs")
open fun assert(exprs: List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>)

Assert multiple expressions into solver.

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abstract fun assertAndTrack(expr: KExpr<KBoolSort>)

Assert an expression into solver and track it in unsat cores.

open fun assertAndTrack(exprs: List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>)

Assert multiple expressions into solver and track them in unsat cores.

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@JvmName(name = "check")
abstract fun check(timeout: Duration = Duration.INFINITE): KSolverStatus

Performs satisfiability check of currently asserted expressions.

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@JvmName(name = "checkWithAssumptions")
abstract fun checkWithAssumptions(assumptions: List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>, timeout: Duration = Duration.INFINITE): KSolverStatus

Performs satisfiability check of currently asserted expressions and provided assumptions.

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abstract override fun close()

Close solver and release acquired native resources.

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abstract fun configure(configurator: Config.() -> Unit)

Set solver specific options.

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abstract fun interrupt()

Cancel currently performing check-sat.

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abstract fun model(): KModel

Retrieve the model for the last check or checkWithAssumptions.

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@JvmName(name = "pop")
abstract fun pop(n: UInt)

Revert solver assertions state to previously created backtracking point.

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abstract fun push()

Create a backtracking point for assertion stack.

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abstract fun reasonOfUnknown(): String

Retrieve a brief explanation of an KSolverStatus.UNKNOWN result. The format of resulting string is solver implementation dependent.

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abstract fun unsatCore(): List<KExpr<KBoolSort>>

Retrieve the unsat core for the last check or checkWithAssumptions.